The Beginner’s Guide to

Benefits And Shortcomings of Essix Retainers

If you have gone through the long and grueling process of using braces in order to straighten your teeth, you know how the perfect and precise smile you’ve always wanted the last thing that anyone will want is to lose it. The most essential to you will have in your oral health after braces is a good retainer. A retainer helps to keep your teeth in place and prevents movement in the years after braces. Dentists to advise their patients to make sure that they wear retainers and the best time to do so is during night time so that they prevent your teeth from moving. There are different types of retainers. One of the most popular retainers are usually Essex, and this is because they are very modern.

If you want to keep a perfect smile, you will need a good retainer, and there’s no question about it. It is important for you to get a little bit of information about the two types of retainers. Apart from the essix retainers where is the Hawley of retainers which have been there for a very long time. Despite the old age of the design it is still quite efficient when it comes to holding teeth in the proper place.

You are in a dilemma when it comes to which retainers to take ensure that you first understand the difference. The Essix is preferred by so many people because it has so many advantages compared to the Hawley retainers. The essix retainers are commonly considered more possible to wear than Hawley retainers. People have experienced a hard time when it comes to wearing the Hawley retainers because you have to push them against the palate of the mouth making it very difficult for so many people to do so. This ends up making it very uncomfortable to wear, and they do end up having difficulties in pronouncing some words. Essix retainers also do prevent a less visible version of a retainer these are perfect for individuals who hope to discreetly where the retainers and public.

If there are a couple of prose associated to essix retainers it is advisable for you to know that they are not perfect. The retainers cannot give you years of service, and within a couple of years you will have to replace them with new ones. They have a high risk of chipping, snapping or ground through. People who grind their teeth a lot most especially when they are sleeping, they do end up suffering a lot because the retainers will create an uncomfortable Sensation when you do that.