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Monolithic Dome Advantages and Choosing a Dome Building Contractor

A monolithic dome is a structure constructed in a one-piece form. The form can be fixed or temporary and may or may not be part of the completed structure. Monolithic domes is a more common type of monolithic architecture.


The monolithic dome has many many attributes that make it one of the best options in construction. One is their undisputed strength and durability. Typical buildings last decades, while monolithic domes can remain for centuries. Because such structures are resistant to water, wind and fire, they are practically indestructible even in the face of fires, hurricanes and other calamities.

Energy Efficiency

The monolithic dome is not just disaster-proof, but notably efficient too. Needing no interior support, it welcomes an entire variety of floor plan designs, allowing you to enjoy the building’s wide open space. And because of the structure’s noteworthy tightness, large amounts of energy can be conserved. Airflow in an average building is equivalent to having a door that is constantly open.

In contrast, the monolithic dome has such perfect insulation that the amount of airflow only equals the size of two pens. For instance, for a two-bedroom monolithic dome home, energy costs can be no greater than $500. Natural gas heating in a monolithic dome structure within an 8,000-feet property can average abaout $80 monthly. To heat a similarly sized conventional building, costs could go no lower than $1,200 Heating a typical building of about the same size would amount to no less than $1,200 Heating a conventional building of similar size can cost a minimum of $1,200.

Minimal Maintenance

A dome is dramatically easier to maintain as well compared to a regular building. No need to think about roof repairs,termite damage and other issues common with ordinary structures.

Monolithic Dome Construction Costs

Usually, unique and top-quality products and services are the pricier but longer-term options available to those who want to build a dome home or business facility. In the world of monolithic domes, compromises are unnecessary just to stick to a cost-efficient budget. Choose a builder that provides the best value per square-foot and square-ton. But of course, the initial savings you get during the construction phase is only a teaser to the bigger total savings that you will make because of the low maintenance and utility costs that come with owning a dome!

If you’re planning on building a monolithic dome as your home or commercial facility, start by finding yourself the right builder. Undeniably, the position demands beyond basic knowledge and skills, so you’ll need not just a licensed and certified contractor, but also one that is experienced and established in the industry. Technical mastery is a priority, together with reliability. The trick is to consider at least two potential contractors and compare them before making a choice.

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